New Manufacturing Plant

Brady Corp / SPC

EI Associates is assisting Brady Corp. with the design of a new manufacturing and distribution facility in Louisville, KY. The new facility will house Brady’s Sorbent Products Company (SPC) business operations which are responsible for the manufacture of synthetic materials used in industrial maintenance and environmental applications for spill cleanup, containment and control.

Sorbent Products, which was acquired by Brady in 2007, will begin moving equipment to the new facility in early 2014 and expects to be in full production by late 2014. The facility will be on National Turnpike in Louisville, providing a strategic location central to 75 percent of SPC’s customers. Brady will lease 148,000 sq. ft. of a new 230,000 sq.ft. industrial building. EI is assisting Brady with the process equipment layout and design as well as the fit-out engineering for the 148,000 sq.ft. lease area.

“The new manufacturing facility in Louisville will provide us with expanded capacity to accommodate additional equipment and other investments we are making to meet existing and future customer demands,” said Matt Williamson, president of Brady’s Identification Solutions business. “We were attracted to Louisville’s central location and availability of skilled workers and look forward to being part of the Louisville community.”