Food Processing Plant Upgrades

Project Type: Renovations, Additions & Alterations

Corbion is a leader in the production of lactic acid and its derivatives, delivering sustainable solutions for the preservation of food and food production.  EI Associates has been assisting Corbion on the following projects:

  • Overall Master Plan for two buildings to consolidate production from the Kansas City plant into Totowa. The project required the plant modernization and expansion work to be installed while maintaining existing operations.
  • Installation of new equipment and production systems to increase plant capacity by 60%.
  • Reconfigured warehouse operations and procedures to improve productivity:
    • Provided extensive training for existing staff
    • Installed new data collection system with real time tracking of production status.
  • Construction of a new employee entrance.
  • Added new products into production and installed upgraded safety systems:
    • New gluten free production area
    • Four new production operating systems
    • Two robotic case packing systems: one unit handling four production systems, and one unit handling five production systems. Installed automated delivery systems (with accumulation) from the nine production systems
    • Installed two new bulk flour silos with a new control system for the entire bulk storage system delivering flour to the high-volume production systems.
    • Full box conveyor installation.
    • Lactic acid tank installation.