Lewisburg Area School District – Lewisburg High School Fieldhouse

Job Number: pp9397.01
Bids Received
Status Details:
Bids Accepted
Lewisburg, PA
Scope of Work:

Proposed Project is to construct a new fieldhouse of approximately 2,040 square feet that will include a concessions area, men’s and women’s restrooms, family restrooms and a trainer’s room The proposed building will be comprised of a reinforced concrete slab on grade, load bearing masonry walls, and pre-engineered wood roof trusses. The building will include the related General trades, HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical work.

Pre-Bid Date:
August 15, 2023
Bid Due Date:
August 21, 2023
EIA Contact:
Andrew Perez via email only at aperez@eiassoc.com
Addendum Level:
2 has been issued
Additional Information:

A Non-Mandatory Pre-bid Conference will be held for prospective bidders on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. at the Lewisburg High School in Classroom A117, located at 545 Newman Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837.
Arrangements to visit the project site must be made through Mr. Delbert Gallegos, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds at telephone number (570) 522 3268. All visitors to the site are required to announce themselves at the High School Administration Office and to comply with sign-in and identification procedures established by the School District.

August 21, 2023
August 16, 2023
August 9, 2023